Forest expertise

The company Bechon made since the storm of the year 1999 more than 500 expertises of forestry or tree disaster.
The expertise is a special study combining the observation of initial state before disaster, and the situation after the disaster and all consequences created by this disaster, to assess the harm inflicted on the owner.

Several values are taken into account in an expertise

  • Economic value
  • Historical, social value
  • Esthetic, landscaped value
  • Environmental, ecological value

Theses values are used, or not, based on the harm to define

Ces valeurs sont utilisées ou non en fonction du préjudices à définir.

Assessment of disaster

We work with different insurance companies as eg. Axa, Groupama, Aviva, ...

We also work for individuals  to estimate damages during amicable negociations

Patrimonial assessment

  • Expropriation (Public Convenience Project)
  • Fiscal
  • Inheritance
  • Country planning