Created in 2013 by the Economic Observatory of “France Bois Forêt” and produced by the “Société Forestière” in partnership with “ASFFOR” and “Les Experts Forestiers de France”, the indicator of the selling price of standing timber in private forest allows the professionals of the sector to understand the market and its evolution, anticipate trends and adapt their development strategies. This year, the index once again reflects the good health of the private logging, as well as the transformation (for the frames, carpentry, flooring, paper, cardboard, packaging, furniture, other wood industries ... ) and the timber trade.
3 species shoot prices up
While the global and French economic recovery in 2017 has benefited all sectors, the good results are partly due to the confirmed success of three species: Douglas fir, oak and maritime pine. Together, they account for 25%, 15% and 11% respectively of the proposed volumes and allow prices to form favorably.
The coniferous are the big winners
With Douglas fir and maritime pine in spearhead and the stability of most other species, in 2017 the "All Softwoods" index increased by 4% to 44 € / m3 (compared to 42 € / m3 in 2016) and reached its highest level in 15 years. Only the Scots pine recorded a noticeable decline, but its weight is low in the index. Prices for softwoods are directly correlated to the construction sector, with a net recovery in 2017, thanks to new housing starts. Up by 6%, in 2017 the average price of Douglas fir stands at € 56 / m3 (€ 53 / m3 in 2016), mainly thanks to the success of unit volumes of between 1 m3 and 2.5 m3, which are particularly appreciated by customers. transformers. For its part, after two slight decreases in 2015 and 2016, the price of maritime pine jumped in 2017 (+ 9%). It stands at 36 € / m3 (trees of 1.25 m3 average unit volume), reaching its highest score since 2014.
Oak and poplar "leaders" of hardwoods
Although the average price of beech fell by 7.7% in 2017 and that the use of hardwoods as wood industry or wood energy decreased (-8%), increased demand for oak and poplar values the whole category. With a rise
annual rate close to 13% over the last 4 years, the price average oak reaches 168 € / m3 (against 151 € m3 in 2016), and growth in demand is the qualities and all the uses (parquet, carpentry, frame, sleepers, stave), in France as abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Asia, China in particular). Another species to show good health on the price front, the poplar, whose index reached peaks in 2017 with + 16% and an average price of € 38 / m3 (against € 33 / m3 in 2016). This increase is explained in particular by the tension on the resource due to the lack of renewal of poplar plantations. The poplar rating is thus back to 2007/2008 levels.